First above all is customer service. Marcos got back to me about the coin glitch and now with this latest update, glitch is gone. Not only that, the game is now more challenging and I LOVE it. Weaving in and out of hazards is so much freakin fun! More hazards. More tricks. Double coins. You can go faster. Bravo bravo bravo!!!! Cant wait to open the next 3 surfers. More importantly, I cant wait till the next update. They sure blew me away with this last one. Actually felt like I was back in rincon! 413
Ps to all the reviews complaining about the update. Yes that happened to me too. Surfer just dropped. All I did was go to the tutorial, did it for maybe 10 seconds then closed the tutorial and everything worked fine after that.
Dirtregs about Go Surf - The Endless Wave Runner, v1.3